How the card was printed and opened. The square card opened from the middle to "unlock" the lock

How the card was printed and opened. The square card opened from the middle to "unlock" the lock

Detail of holiday icons

Detail of holiday icons

The left sides features more drawings, as the right side features a Christmas poem to enhance the playfulness of the card (INSIDE)

The left sides features more drawings, as the right side features a Christmas poem to enhance the playfulness of the card (INSIDE)

Full page ad for Nu-Set's SmartBox

Full page ad for Nu-Set's SmartBox

A note card designed to send to clients informing them of business and opportunities  (FRONT)

A note card designed to send to clients informing them of business and opportunities  (FRONT)

Nu-Set Lock

Los Angeles, CA

Nu-Set is a California based lock company that provides people with customized security and safety products.
Nu-Set is a client of Red Kite, the marketing consultancy
I designed for.